What will be your travel plans for the New Year?  Or are you one of those that complains that they really want to travel but it is just too expensive.  With day to day life being barely affordable I can understand why you would think that travel is just not possible.  Don’t give up and you should chase your dream of travelling the world.  Here are some tips on how you can travel cheap.

Cheap Flights Travel find Low Cost  Deals

The Art Of the Search

Even if you plan on hitting the road in the middle of tourist season, you can still save money on air fare and hotels.  Check different online sites for discounts and deals, sometimes last minute travel can get you some wicked deals.  However advance planning can get you some good results too.  Always check with Google Travel/flights for the best deals.

Be Flexible

If you are trying to save money you’re going to have to make some concessions.  Even little things can affect the price of your flight or hotel.  Be careful if you are booking for a group of people.  Travelling during the off season can save you a fortune.  Also if possible be fairly flexible when it comes to hotel accommodations, you may want to try AirBNB instead of a hotel.

Be Willing to Travel

High profile travel destinations cost the most.  New York City, Paris or London are all super expensive but staying even an hour outside the city can cut your travel costs by more than half.  This is an excellent way of saving money.  You can take all day trips into the cities to do sightseeing but sleep outside of town.  You can get the best of visiting tourist destinations without the expense. then read on to choose your next holiday destination among the top 7 cheap travel destinations you should try out

Sign Up For a New Credit Card

This doesn’t mean going and paying for a lavish trip with the new credit card but a new travel type of card often comes with thousands of miles already loaded onto it.  Use those miles to pay for airfare or a portion of it.  Here is a video of some of the best travel cards that give you the most miles.

Don’t Overpack

One of the ways that airlines make so much money is by cutting all the services they used to have and now charging you for them.  You may have to pay extra for bringing that extra suitcase or if your suitcase is too heavy.  Don’t carry huge oversized suitcases and pack as light as you can, after all you want to leave some room for souvenirs anyway.

Follow these tips and you can see the world without breaking the bank.